Plant, tools and equipment assets keep your construction projects rolling.
The various P&E assets and vehicles drive operational progress and ensure your team can accomplish all parts of the job.
But as the range of your projects grows, how can you maintain complete control over your assets when they’re now being deployed across multiple locations? How can you ensure that you won’t forget where you dropped off your expensive equipment, even in those remote areas where access is difficult?
The secret lies in asset tracking and the benefits it provides to construction companies like yours.

What is the purpose of asset tracking?
Asset tracking is a centralised practice that assists you in monitoring your equipment, recording necessary asset data and locating tools in your network of customer and own sites, regardless of where they are deployed.
There are different approaches to asset tracking. Paper-based is a manual method which most small businesses use, while Spreadsheets in Excel is an option utilised across several industries.
However, for construction companies with larger-scale operations, the use of asset tracking software and technology is much more advisable.
This can be implemented through asset tracking tags that are connected to the installed software on your mobile and desktop devices.
Through asset tracking software, you can keep track of your assets far easier, while ensuring that all of your construction tools and equipment are maintained and stored in the right locations for quick access.
What are the benefits of asset tracking for construction projects in remote locations
Effective asset tracking allows your projects to run at full capacity by ensuring your workers are equipped with the tools and equipment they need at all times.
With the help of an asset tracking software solution, you’ll have complete visibility to determine whether your assets are in transit, in your office, in storage or at a particular job site – from wherever you are.

Here are some additional benefits of asset tracking for your construction projects:
1. Asset tracking enables multi-location integration.No need for you to spend countless hours going out to inspect job sites to locate your assets.
Asset tracking software like EROAD Where facilitates a mesh network to help you track assets onsite with ease. This is made possible through EHUBOs in your own vehicles and mobile phone devices which you use to record where you dropped your asset off. Through it, you can examine the whereabouts and condition of your construction tools and equipment on one screen in just a few clicks.
2. Asset tracking ensures every team member has access to necessary asset information.With asset tracking tag technology, your asset tracking software can collect data about your construction assets and disseminate essential information to all concerned people through their smart devices.
The different user profiles in EROAD Where puts you in control of who has access to what kind of data. From the “Sensor” profile which you can use to augment your mesh network without giving access to your data to your drivers, through to the “Client Admin” who has full rights over not just the assets in your inventory, but the right of your users as well.
3. Asset tracking maximises the utilisation of your construction tools and equipment.Asset tracking software brings your whole range of equipment and tools from multiple job locations into the palm of your hands. This solution gives you a full picture of where assets are deployed or if there are missing or misplaced ones.
Using the mobile phone app (IOS or Android) as part of the mesh network for your company, enables you to record a location of where you dropped the asset off, that is not reliant on a 4G network connection. The location of the tag will be recorded on the phone using Bluetooth technology, and when you are back in range this location will be sent to the EROAD Where web platform.
As a result, your workers’ usage will become more transparent.
4. Asset tracking helps you remember where you left your assets.Asset tracking software supports the ongoing productivity of projects and efficient operations by helping you minimise downtime due to misplaced assets.
It allows you to monitor your tools and equipment – from checking their state and maintenance schedule to evaluating the need for repairs and replacement.
5. Asset tracking streamlines the collection and delivery of assets to different job sites.When the right asset tracking solution is in place, assets are allocated effectively. Knowing the arrival and departure times of assets on site aids in customer billing.
This will also help you provide valid proof of service to your clients.
Having the right asset tracking solution allows you to effectively keep tabs on your construction tools and equipment, regardless if there is movement of operations across many remote locations.
Most importantly, you can rely on asset tracking to help minimise downtime and eliminate the slow turnover of projects that are caused by missing equipment or unexpected asset damage.

Want to learn more about asset tracking?
Asset tracking solutions help organisations like yours identify, assign and utilise a whole range of assets more efficiently and cost-effectively.
Through it, you can drive efficiency, achieve greater productivity and accelerate the delivery of your projects.
To assist you in optimising asset tracking, we've prepared a FREE eBook "10 tips to get the best result from an Asset Tracking Solution" on our website, which answers all your asset management questions.